Monday 22 October 2007

Canoing, Rugby and a massive bungy jump...

Next we headed off to Wilderness, which is a beautiful town on the Garden Route. We had a fantastic view from our room of a lagoon surrounded by loads of trees. We hired a canoe and paddled up the river (I paddled, Tree just dipped the oar in the water occasionally). We then took a walk up to a waterfall and went swimming for about 10 seconds in the very cold water - obviously still warmer than Blackpool).
That evening was the big one - England v. South Africa. We ended up watching the match in the pub with some locals. Then about 20 oldies from what must have been a Saga holiday appeared. They stood up proudly for our national anthem. When England scored the try that never was I thought it was all going to kick-off. The hairy, mad locals against us and the geriatrics - we wouldn't have stood a chance. Fortunately South African won easily and we avoided another colonial battle (some of them were obviously there the first time). It was actually great to be in S.A. for the final. The South Africans are really passionate about their team and we've had a lot of good natured stick since Saturday.
Next we headed off to Plettenburg bay. Another lovely resort by the beach. Near here we drove to the Bloukrans River Bridge - home of the highest Bungee jump in the world at 216m. Without hesitation we both went for it. Tree went first and was very cool throughout. I too was ok. Not quite as scary as jumping out a plane. We apparently accelerated to 120kmh within 4 seconds. Those of you who know about my Frank Spencer tendancies will be relieved to hear that I avoided a comical accident on the world's highest bungee - although we are off to a snake farm shortly so who knows? Although it was all over very quickly it was an amazing feeling and would recommend it to anyone. The worst thing about the jump was that we had to get weighed first - as you can imagine it was bad news for both of us. We decided to go for a long hike the next day to get the exercise in. We walked in Robberg National Park and saw some fantastic scenery which included loads of seals along the cape. Its amazing in South Africa as we've not yet hit the safari but have already seen whales, sharks, penguins, ostriches and seals. Next stop is Addo national park, which is home to the elephants. I think we'll try and tame one and take it for a ride.


Big Brother said...

Glad South Africa is over and we continue on the World Tour. I'm completing my parallel tour in terms on wines of the World. I'm looking forward to the Australian wines and the Californian wines. After 6 months I should be quite the expert on alcoholic beverages.
As Winter beckons over here and we move into the darkest, coldest months,.. you will of course enjoy the summer months in Australia, glorious sunshine, lazy days, dont envy you one bit! When you meet up with the relations in Oz, ask Joseph for a night out on the beer. He has put in a little practice here!
After some rather scary events in South Africa I hope you have planned for a far more relaxing time in Oz. Guess you could revisit favourite places from the previous tour of 96/97, What a life! Keep us posted of all developments and we hope the tour continues with the success you have enjoyed on the first leg..

Disney Diva said...

`PHEW`...That's South Africa over and done with. That means no more traumas that cause illness or any kind of unpleasantness towards you (well hopefully anyway). Me and the boys wish you loads of good luck as you move on to the next stop on your 6 month holiday. Dad said that we in England are experiancing a heat wave at the moment (which you can probably tell isn't true) but in fact the weather conditions are the complete opposite!!!!!!!!!!!
Count yourself lucky as the weather is getting colder...and the sky is dark by an earlier time each night here in the UK. Also you are heading to Austrailia-where it is now almost summer-HOW UNFAIR!
LOL_your eldest niece ox ox ox

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are enjoying things, but you fail to mention how many cups of coffee you have spilt so far!
Bet you are missing all the thrills of the various projects you left, the photos suggest such things are still playing on your mind - all the best - Ian